Latest recommended version of DD-WRT or Tomato is installed. It works as ROUTER, Repeater, WiFi Access Point or Bridge. It works as ROUTER, Repeater, WiFi Access Point or Bridge. Most users find the setup instructions supplied with the unit very easy to follow (see feedback). A wireless repeater (also called wireless range extender) is a device that takes an existing signal from a wireless router or wireless access point and rebroadcasts it to create a second network. When two or more hosts have to be connected with one another over the IEEE 802.11 protocol and the distance is too long for a direct connection to be Here is the Wireless Config: Pic 2 I can access dd-wrt on the router from either of the two networks. thinking two "repeater bridge"s would probably drive the Over a year ago I owned a Linksys WRT-54G V4 router configured as the main and a Netgear WNR8348 configured as a repeater bridge. Both running DD-WRT on wireless G. The solution was rock solid. After several months, I decided to go the N route and got a Trendnet TEW-637AP and sold the Linksys. A very bad move. I finally got it to work as a repeater bridge. Its a good quality router with the latest DD-WRT install. If you are looking to use this as a repeater bridge, it will work. You will need to get better setup directions on-line. Once you understand how the config software works for different applications, this router becomes pretty powerful.

Over a year ago I owned a Linksys WRT-54G V4 router configured as the main and a Netgear WNR8348 configured as a repeater bridge. Both running DD-WRT on wireless G. The solution was rock solid. After several months, I decided to go the N route and got a Trendnet TEW-637AP and sold the Linksys. A very bad move.

[ edit] Repeater / Repeater Bridge Extend the Wireless access area using a second router WIRELESSLY connected to the primary. The secondary router must have dd-wrt installed; the primary does not need dd-wrt. Repeater Bridge - A wireless repeater with DHCP & NAT disabled, clients on same subnet as host AP (primary router). Jun 14, 2018 · Go to the Wireless tab, and change Wireless Mode to either ‘Repeater’ or ‘Repeater Bridge’. If you choose ‘Repeater’ you will only be able to use the repeater wirelessly, while selecting ‘Repeater Bridge’ allows you to use its Ethernet ports, excellent if you want to plug in Smart TV, games console, or other cable-only internet Oct 02, 2011 · Instructions on How to Upgrade the Wireless Security Mode in DD-WRT. 1) Log into your DD-WRT Router. 2) Click on the Wireless tab then the second level tab Wireless Security. 3) Change the dropdown box under Security Mode to WPA Personal. 4) Change the dropdown box under WPA Algorithms. 5) Type in a WPA Shared Key (at least 12 characters).

For a secondary routerrunning DD-WRT, the wireless mode must be configured as Repeater Bridge. It will connect to a primary routerin AP mode(DD-WRT default) with DHCP Server enabled. Any type of VAP (Virtual Access Point) on the host should work, including a WDS-AP (Atheros) or any VAP including on another RB, but can depend on the host router. Aug 25, 2017 · Extend your WiFi range using an Old Wireless Router (DD-WRT Repeater Bridge) - Duration: 10:34. Behfor 362,200 views. 10:34. Feb 09, 2014 · DD-WRT Client Bridge Setup. How to setup a DD-wrt router in client bridge mode. This mode is NOT for WIRED connections between two routers! It is a wireless