Same IP Address Failover - Bigleaf Networks

For maximum reliability you should use at least 2 ISP connections. The benefit of this is that you’re insulated from many issues. In addition, we recommend that you use physically diverse paths coming in to your building from unique providers, such as: fiber and cable, DSL and fixed-wireless, or T1 and cable, that way you’ll have the ultimate in Internet redundancy. Aug 12, 2019 · IP's are provided to the MAC address. If the address is the same, Windows gives you the IP back for that MAC address. Sounds like you have identical MAC addresses configured. Jul 10, 2020 · A lot of CDNs (content delivery networks) use the same IP address as well for different sites, and that’s also perfectly fine.” Huge companies change hosting providers and IPs all the time. They wouldn’t do so if rankings were harmed, and security solutions such as Cloudflare and Sucuri wouldn’t even exist! to register the same IP Address. Two guest LAN segments would automatically be isolated (unless a virtual router is deployed) and two VSWITCH segments would be isolated if the external switch hardware configures a unique VID set for each physical OSA connection. Jul 29, 2013 · In my experience, you can not have two networks with the same IP range. My solution in these cases has been to change the IP range in one of the networks, seeing as one is local, I would look at the possibility of changing that (if that is at all possible for you). A downside of a shared IP is a “bad neighbor effect”: you never know what other users with the same IP address are up to. That’s why shared IPs can turn up in blacklists, limiting your access to certain websites. Even though a dedicated IP address is not as discreet, there is a much lower possibility for it to be blacklisted.

Mar 31, 2016 · As I understand it, two computers cannot have the same public (external) IP address unless they are connected via the same router. If they are connected via the same router, then they can have (share) the same public IP address yet have different private (local) IP addresses. The Situation I Encountered

Mar 17, 2020

In fact, you have two IP addresses to keep track of for each device. A global IP address (or public IP address) is how the rest of the internet sees any device on your network. Because this is network-specific, your the global IP will be the same whether you’re using your phone, desktop, or other device at home.

Two accounts - same ip address - General Selling Questions Feb 24, 2018 2 different user, different locations, same IP? | Wilders Aug 11, 2007 What happens Same IP Range different subnet mask