How'd They Know Where I'm Located? Geolocation by IP Address

Let's show you what you can discover by running a real IP address through the IP Lookup feature at You can use a random IP address for the test—even yours. But for this exercise, we'll use IP Details. This number is the IP address of a computer/router that's connected to the Internet somewhere in Southern Most people (and maybe you) know their IP address is an digital address of some sort that helps the Internet deliver content to your computer. And perhaps you know that 99% of the time, no one else knows or cares to know what your IP address is. But there's more you need to know. See, your IP address is something like a beacon on the Internet. Aug 12, 2012 · As you can see, geolocation of an IP address can get close – perhaps identifying the city in which an IP address might be located — but its accuracy is seriously suspect. Getting more details Everything I’ve described above – reverse DNS, whois lookups, and geolocation – is all based on public information or publicly available services. Apr 24, 2017 · Your IP address can tell people a lot about you. It can reveal your city, ZIP Code, and area code if someone knows where to look. However, an IP address doesn’t always show the correct information. Mar 17, 2014 · Assuming you're using a router (as you should), those web sites can only see the router's IP address, not your PC's. They can't tell who in the house is visiting them—a small comfort, I admit Alone, the IP address can't share much more about you than a generalized location of where you might be at a certain time. The trouble is, onlookers can in some cases look at the online activity

Mar 18, 2005

How much information can you get from an IP address? - Quora It Depends upon your knowledge level & the way you perceive the results. Let me give you an simple example. we all would have pinged Google at some point of time. lets do it again, see the results & analyze how an Hacker Thinks. In the above shown How to Hide Your IP Address Made Easy for Beginners

Mar 30, 2020

Feb 20, 2018 What is an IP address and what can it reveal about you May 19, 2015 Can A Mobile Phone IP Address Be Traced?