Stasi Museum - Berlin museum brings alive Stasi terror

Dec 31, 2013 · Top Secret: Images from the Stasi Archives plumbs the immense collection of intelligence and photographs once gathered by the Stasi, East Germany's secret police. Menner spent two years with the Stasi's archives, which contain some 1.4 million photographs. Oct 08, 2012 · Roland Jahn, federal commissioner of the Stasi archives, is a former dissident, jailed in the 1980s for supporting Poland's Solidarity movement. After the Berlin Wall fell, Jahn was the first East The Stasi did not allow any kind of contact between inmates. If a prisoner was lead through the corridor to an interrogation room and his path crossed that of another inmate, both were required to turn to the wall so that they could not get even a brief glimpse of each other. Dec 10, 2016 · The Stasig Archives. World of visual artist Stig Stasig and The Stasig Archives workshop for fine art printing. Menu og widgets The film was based on some documents that the authors had had access to after the opening of the Stasi archives in Germany and it spurred some discussion in the Icelandic media. [30] The name of the banker Guðmundur Ágústsson came up, as it appeared that he had been a Stasi agent in the period 1963-1964.

The film was based on some documents that the authors had had access to after the opening of the Stasi archives in Germany and it spurred some discussion in the Icelandic media. [30] The name of the banker Guðmundur Ágústsson came up, as it appeared that he had been a Stasi …

Mar 23, 2015

Nov 06, 2019 · It was only after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 that Regina Herrmann found in the Stasi archives documents in which the German Democratic Republic’s secret police instructed five

Another interesting building is the archives of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi documents, around 20 minutes on the underground from the Stasi Museum. Guided tours around the archives are available in English for groups booked in advance. German organisation OpenDataCity estimates that while the Stasi archives would fill 48,000 filing cabinets, just one US government server could store so much data that, if printed out, the reams of paper would fill 42 trillion filing cabinets. We know very little about what the NSA does with all this data. Simon Menner presents images from the East German State Security Service archives to reflect on how photography was used by the Stasi as a tool to train spies, conduct secret home searches, and track people’s daily movements. Dec 15, 2019 · The extensive report by Marianne Birthler, a former head of the Stasi archives, and the historian Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk, noted that even if Mr. Friedrich was trying to avoid harming others, there Tag: Stasi Records Lost and Found, or, Dresden on the Eve of Destruction November 14, 2011 August 15, 2018 by davidlangbart , posted in State and Foreign Affairs , World War II ×Images from the Secret Stasi Archives. First of all, I am dumping quite a lot of material here, not because this is the way I would present my work in a show, but rather since I think that is very important to make as much material accessible as possible.