Press freedom in the U.S. may be getting worse, but there are still 44 other countries where journalists have more freedom to do their jobs. Norway was ranked number one among all of the countries

2020-7-12 · The Index of Freedom in the World is an index of civil liberties published in late 2012 by Canada's Fraser Institute, Germany's Liberales Institut, and the U.S. Cato Institute. The index is the predecessor of the Human Freedom Index, which has been published annually since 2015.The coauthors of both indexes are Ian Vásquez and Tanja Porčnik (née Štumberger). 2016 World Press Freedom Index - Nations Online Project Reporters Without Borders compiled this list of 180 countries by asking its partner organizations and its network of correspondents, as well as journalists, researchers, legal experts and human rights activists, to answer questions designed to assess a country's level of press freedom. Nearly half of UN member countries have obstructed 2020-7-23 · Incidents have occurred in seven European countries (six of them EU members) where the press freedom situation is usually regarded as good or fairly good. This has been the case, for example, in Germany and the United Kingdom, respectively ranked 11th and 35th out of 180 countries. In the first, journalists have been physically attacked during How The COVID-19 Crisis Is Threatening Freedom And 2020-4-12 · According to Freedom House, since 2006 nearly twice as many countries become less democratic than have seen their democracies improve. The COVID-19 …

To my knowledge, not a single one. The First Amendment is written on an absolute basis. Speech, no matter how odious or vile, is to be permitted. There are some narrow exceptions (libel, slander, false advertising, immediate incitement to violence

Why Don't More Countries Have Democracies? : NPR 2011-7-4 · Why Don't More Countries Have Democracies? While the U.S. has sometimes failed to practice true democracy, the belief in 'government of the people, by …

Freedom of speech. No country has full freedom of speech, but the US is particularly limited in freedom of speech. Even something silly like blasphemy is an offense in certain states, and I can say that "Forest Gump was a stupid person who lacked intelligence".

May 03, 2019 · Among the 20 countries with the most press freedom, most are European countries: Norway, the Netherlands, and Sweden make the podium, while Canada is in 13th place among the 162 countries surveyed. Conversely, of the 20 countries where the press is the least free, 17 are either in the 3rd or in the last quartile for economic freedom. At its core, freedom of religion or belief requires freedom of expression. Both fundamental rights are protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet nearly half of all countries penalize blasphemy, apostasy or defamation of religion. In 13 countries, atheists can be put to death for their lack of belief. Freedom of speech. No country has full freedom of speech, but the US is particularly limited in freedom of speech. Even something silly like blasphemy is an offense in certain states, and I can say that "Forest Gump was a stupid person who lacked intelligence".